Cooking recipes: Chickpeas in a clay casserole – By Helen Brufas

Chickpeas in a clay casserole

Μπρούφα Ελένη
By Helen Brufas

Ingredients (for the clay casserole of the photo):

1 pack of chickpeas (usually 500 grams)

1 large dry onion, not too chopped, cut by hand

2-3 carrots moderately sliced

A little celery along with its root not too chopped

Salt, black pepper, a little oregano

1 glass of oil

1 glass of tomato juice

1 tsp. soda

Ρεβύθια στην γάστρα 2How to prepare:

  1. A day before cooking the chickpeas do the following:

In a bowl we place the chickpeas with water and soda. Leave them for 2 hours to soak. Then rinse well, put them back in the pan with water and leave until the next day that we will cook them.

  1. The next day we place the chickpeas in a pot of water and boil in moderate heat for an hour.
  2. After one hour, we remove them from the fire. With a pierced spoon, remove them from the water and place them in the clay casserole.
  3. In a saucepan add the oil, let it cook lightly and sauté the onion. Add tomato juice, spices and other ingredients. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes and add the mixture to our chickpeas. Mix thoroughly and add the water that we boiled the chickpeas in.
  4. The water covers the chickpeas and it will help to boil and thus finish with their cooking.
  5. We bake them at 190 degrees Celsius for an hour definitely (maybe and a quarter more) and after the first half hour we check. In the last quarter we uncover and leave until cooking is complete.

Bon appetit!!!

Προηγούμενο άρθροΡεβύθια στη γάστρα – Απλά, νόστιμα και γρήγορα από την Ελένη Μπρούφα
Επόμενο άρθροΣύλληψη στην Αλεξάνδρεια για παράνομο εμπόριο λαδιών και στην Βέροια για κλοπή μοτοσυκλέτας