Cooking recipes: Finiki dessert from the Ikosifinissa Monastery

The sweets that are a “blessing” for the pilgrims of the monastery. Humble materials that “create” the finiki syrup sweet that customary comforts the heart…

Γλυκά-φοινίκια1Finiki dessert from the Ikosifinissa Monastery


Sissy Nika – Journalist Taste and Culture

2 cups seed oil

1 bottle beer blonde

1 baking powder

All-purpose flour “as much as is needed” for the dough to be soft.


For the syrup

3 cups sugar

3 cups water

1 stick of cinnamon

Γλυκά-φοινίκια2How to prepare

Γλυκά-φοινίκια4In the mixer bowl put all the ingredients together after sifting the flour and whisk until you have a soft and pliable dough.

Shape into round balls and press a little on the top. Put them on a greased baking sheet and bake in a well preheated oven at 180 °C until golden brown.

At the same time we make the syrup.

In a saucepan add water, sugar and cinnamon.

Mix with a wooden spoon and bring to a boil.

Then remove it.

Once we remove the finikia hot from the oven we pour the hot syrup.

It is like a poem …

If we want we can sprinkle with cinnamon or add walnuts to the dough.


Προηγούμενο άρθροΣυνταγές: Γλυκό φοινίκι – Από την Ιερά Μονή Εικοσιφοίνισσας
Επόμενο άρθροΦιλόπτωχος Γυναικών Αλεξανδρείας: Διήμερη εκδρομή 25/26 Ιουνίου στην λίμνη Οχρίδα