Cooking recipes: Pasta frola the tricolor

Pasta frola the tricolor


Anna Katahana
Posted by Anna Katachana

3 1/2 cups flour for all uses
1 cup sugar
1 cup sunflower oil
1 sachet baking powder
1/2 cup brandy or orange juice
3 Jams (e.g. orange, fig and peach)


How to prepare:

Mix all the ingredients (except the jams) into a soft dough, dunking our hands frequently in a little oil to avoid sticking.

pasta-flora-i-trichromi-1Keep aside a little ball of dough equal size of a tennis ball, for our strips.

Grease a medium round baking pan and spread the dough slightly elevating the walls.

pasta-flora-i-trichromi-2-pasta-frola-the-tricolorSpread the jams over the dough until it covers all the surface, the thickness must not exceed though, 3 cm.

pasta-flora-i-trichromi-3Knead the dough we kept into strips and form a grid on the jam (or create any shape you like).

pasta-flora-i-trichromi-4-pasta-frola-the-tricolorBake the cake at 160 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes in air or until the strips have a nice red color. Then we wait to cool to remove from the pan and cut it.


Προηγούμενο άρθροΠρωτοσέλιδα εφημερίδων της Δευτέρας 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016
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