ΕΙΔΗΣΕΙΣ ΣΕ ΒΙΝΤΕΟ: Νίκος Δένδιας: Να βγούμε από την κρίση της πανδημίας ενισχυμένοι και ενωμένοι

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Ν. Δένδιας: Να βγούμε από την κρίση της πανδημίας ενισχυμένοι και ενωμένοι

FM Dendias says EU must emerge from the pandemic stronger, in ceremony of support for Spain

Την ανάγκη να βγούμε από την κρίση της πανδημίας ενισχυμένοι και ενωμένοι, χωρίς να έχει μείνει πίσω κανένα κράτος, εξέφρασε ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών Νίκος Δένδιας σε δηλώσεις του κατά τη διάρκεια της συμβολικής τελετής- συμπαράστασης προς τον έντονα δοκιμαζόμενο ισπανικό λαό που πραγματοποιήθηκε σήμερα στο υπουργείο Εξωτερικών. 

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said that the European Union must emerge from the crisis of the pandemic stronger and united, in statements during during a symbolic ceremony in support of the strongly-tested Spanish people, which took place earlier on Friday at the foreign ministry.”In these difficult times, you are not alone, the people of Greece are with you in this struggle that we will win together,” Dendias told the Spanish people. He also expressed the condolences of the Greek government to those who have lost loved ones and the full support of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. “The crisis we are facing is, admittedly, the greatest that the generations of Europe have faced since World War II,” Dendias said, and noted that it was after WWII that the people of Europe had decided to proceed with the ambitious experiment of the European Union, “our common family, the most ambitious experiment in the co-existence of states and peoples in humanity’s history.” “It is time to do what is necessary so that on the day after the crisis, the Union will rise to meet the demands of this unique occasion and emerge from the crisis stronger, emerge from the crisis united,” he said. This means, he added, that nobody should be left behind, whether a state or a citizen. He underlined that the foundations of the common European home, built with solidarity, must be strengthened.ert

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