Erdogan’s Visit to the United States and its impact on Greece – Written by Ret. Lieutenant General Lazarus Skylakis

Much have been written in the press lately about Erdogan’s –as a sultan now- official visit to the United States. A visit that has so far passed from a thousand waves. Many official Turks, such as the head of the political Opposition, argued that it should not happen, while others that it would be an opportunity to give a fresh start to the tense US-Turkish relations.

It is certain that at the Trump – Erdogan meeting many things will be cleared and the relations of the two countries can either be improved or even be led to a dead end.
Λάζαρος Σκυλάκης
Written by Ret. Lieutenant General Lazarus Skylakis

It is true that relations between Ankara and Washington have never been at a worse level. Erdogan rightly believes that US support to the Kurds and, in particular, the YPG (Syrian Kurds) jeopardizes the territorial integrity of Turkey. According to Ankara, the YPG is nothing but the PKK branch, so they are terrorists. The decision of Trump’s Government to strengthen the Kurds with US arms and to simultaneously ban the Turks from moving beyond the encampment of Al-Bab in northern Syria has created a great deal of turmoil in Ankara. Indeed, US officials have argued that they consider the Kurds warriors as better fighters than the Turkish army in the fight against the Islamic State (IS).

Turkey feels hurt and is angry with developments in Syria and Iraq. It cannot play a leading role, as it hoped for neither the Americans nor the Russians permit it. Turkey tried to break the continuity of the “Kurdish zone” with two missions, the Shield of the Euphrates and the Shield of the Tiger, but without any success. Ankara has so far not been able to persuade the two great powers for the necessity of its presence in the operations of Rakka, but also in Mosul.

 ΤραμπErdogan will try in Washington on May 16-17 to make a final effort to improve his country’s relations with the US and reverse the negative climate. As he himself said, “we will either make it better or worst”. For this reason, he has already sent four high-ranking officials to the US capital to prepare for his visit. Chief of Turkish Armed Forces General Hulusi Akar, MIT Chief Hakan Fidan, Justice Minister Beyr Bozat and his secret-advisor Ibrahim Kalin. Until now the discussions of the above with their American counterparts are not considered as successful.

Despite the fact that the clouds between Ankara and Washington are dwindling, we must not forget that Turkey is a big and important country for the US and the Americans may not want its complete humiliation, nor to lose it and let it head elsewhere (towards Russia, China, etc.). And here’s our problem. Maybe in the “bargain” that will happen in the White House, Trump may want to sweeten the pill for Turkey. How; But, in the simplest way. After losing to the East to win to the West. To give it something in return, with great losses to Greece and Cyprus. We should have in mind that the same thing was done in the past when with the Annan Plan essentially they handed over Cyprus to Turkey in exchange for the autonomy of the Kurds in Northern Iraq.

 Let us hope that this nightmarish scenario for Hellenism is not verified. The last time it wasερτογ not implemented and “we were saved” because there was a great Greek leader, the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Tasos Papadopoulos (he died also from cancer, as the late Christodoulos ). But now who do we have to resist for us, the “famous” Anastasiades or our Tsipras. God help us.

But let’s not be so pessimistic. Perhaps Erdogan may be satisfied by demanding the extradition of his mortal enemy Imam Guilen who is considered the orchestrater of the failed coup on July 15, 2016 and the founder of the Fetuallah Terrorist Organization (FETO) or his two friends in American prisons accused of various crimes. One of these, the Iranian businessman Reza Zarab has special links with the delinquent activities of members of the Erdogan family.

 Anyway the Trump – Erdogan meeting is expected to be of great interest, and many issues are likely to be cleared. It is of particular importance to us because it will have an impact on our wider area, but also on our relations with Ankara. Let’s hope for the best.

Προηγούμενο άρθροΕ.Ε.Ρ. : 25η Ραδιοερασιτεχνική Συνάντηση «2017 HAMFEST» 10 – 11 Ιουνίου
Επόμενο άρθροΑλέξης Χαρίτσης: Χωρίς κόστος και με ένα απλό «κλικ» θα αδειοδοτούνται καταστήματα υγειονομικού ενδιαφέροντος και τουριστικά καταλύματα