Make Pastoral Yogurt of the Kipina Monastery – the tastiest yogurt


Make Pastoral Yogurt of the Kipina Monastery – the tastiest yogurt

Writes Sissy Nika – Journalist of Taste and Culture


1 kg milk from sheep or cow

1 tbsp yogurt of same type (sheep or cow)

2 tbsp finely chopped mint leaves

or 2 tbsp chopped wild mint

In a saucepan, heat the milk until our thermometer shows 90o C.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and wait until the temperature drops to 45 °C.

The monks say empirically, until your finger can tolerate the temperature measuring to 30 without burning .

In a cup of lukewarm milk put in a cheesecloth wild mint or mint washed clean and dry and tie well. Allow to rest for 10 minutes. Thus our yogurt will have excellent flavor. In this lukewarm milk, we dissolve a tablespoon of yogurt, stirring well.

Pour this mixture to the pan with the remaining milk and mix. Allow to rest for 5 minutes.

Make Pastoral Yogurt of the Kipina MonasteryPour in one or more clay cups and place in a hot oven at 45 °C and leave for 4 hours without shaking.

At this time do not open the oven because the temperature should be stable otherwise our yogurt will become sour.

Remove the clay from the oven and leave it at room temperature for a while.

Immediately after this put it into the refrigerator for 24 hours without shaking at all.

Our yoghurt is ready.

We can consume it the next seven days.

If, however, we let it “separate” it has to be consumed immediately.


Προηγούμενο άρθροΤροφές που θα σας βοηθήσουν να απαλλαγείτε από το λίπος της κοιλιάς – Γράφει η Μαρία Αλιμπέρτη – Κατσάνη
Επόμενο άρθροΑλεξάνδρεια: Ξεκίνησε το διήμερο επισιτιστικής βοήθειας ΤΕΒΑ στο εργοστάσιο VENUS. (βίντεο -δηλώσεις Μπρουσκέλη, Χαλκίδη)